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Check out our Online Vape Store!
Tanks, atomizers, spinner's and hemp oil!

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Manifesting Abundance

It may look like a cartoon or just a comic from Bitstrips. ..

But in reality every thing is a tool or idea to create your own abundance. Books and movies like The Secret, the law of attraction and most abundance teachings describe envisioning your dreams.
Neal Donald Walsh discusses this in his books, Conversations with God. The three steps to creation are 1. Thought, 2. Word, & 3. Deed.
What that means: think about your manifestation, talk about, and then Do it!
Today I am raking in the money through online sales in my business.
Welcome to new world where your  imagination creates your reality.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Occupy, Bitcoins and Keeping the American Dream Alive

Dear Reader,
I had an interesting conversation with my father the other day, Mom and he were on speaker phone. We discussed the state of the political unrest, their fears about our government. It was a great conversation. I found myself talking about fighting against the tyranny, politics and corporate greed with the only weapon I know works:
Love is unconditional, it is pure thought, word, and deed and fills one with a feeling of beauty and light.
If Love chose a side, would it not be through peace and courage? How does one fight against such negativity without falling down prey to the dark side?
Love. It is the answer I come back to time and time again. My parents are fighting by becoming less dependent on the government. Choosing to be prepared for economic collapse, talking to others about awareness and getting ready. I am proud of them, they are choosing to fight back. To stand for something they both believe in. While they are not pushing me to take their side, I can feel their worry for their children, family. I just can't accept that view, that fear and anger are the tools to fire up a nation into change.

I have a family too, in front of me and behind me there is family. Every time I look into the eyes of the children, of our grandchildren I cannot tell them to do good in school, get a good job, and when you retire you can do whatever you want. I can't feed them the same bullshit I heard growing up about right and wrong, normal and not, secrets or sharing. I can't because I know the truth. There are less jobs that support a person to live. People in need are suffering and those in the system who need help don't get enough food stamps to eat and still rely on food banks. My own parents can't afford their prescriptions that help them live. Corporations, like Lowe's cut payroll hours two weeks before Christmas because the shareholders are pissed that the stock price missed the mark by a penny.  I know young people, in their 20's that can't tell me how many inches are in a foot or how to change a flat. And I know people who deserve better but won't get it because of fear, dependence, and lack of education. I know these things because I see them in my life, in my friend circles, my family. I hear about them at the bars, coffee shops, random conversations with checkout cashiers and bus stop patrons. We are floundering about like fish without enough water. The land of milk and honey which promised freedom from oppression is a dream we thought was true, but somewhere between corruption of power and superiority we forgot our commonality.


So I am launching a new campaign,
Seeding Small Business.
We know that there are two things that run an economy, goods or services and how you pay for them.
Small business's are the driving force in creative development which from BIG business perspective is easier to let grow and buy later than doing your own research and development. Second starting a small business takes capital which the majority of American's are short on (see previous blogs on trickle down economics).
So how do we fight against the system that seems a labyrinth straight out of Lewis Carroll's Wonderland? How do we defeat the Queen of Hearts that lies in dungeon office at the Federal Reserve? What weapon's do we fight with to overcome a power corrupted government that no longer value's the people that it was created to protect and serve?
You guessed it, with Love.
And Bitcoins.
 Why Bitcoin? Because it is the only currency that is not backed by a centralized bank, or run by a small group of people none of us elected, EVER. Bitcoin because despite the bad press, arrests and knowing it was created by open source code which makes it great for illegal businesses, it is also surviving the onslaught of press.

Bitcoin is now rising in value because like you others notice that the world seems out of whack, and in need of a good Japanese torture massage.
Because Bitcoins are now being used by merchants like Target, Amazon, and over 20,000 business are accepting crypto currency. Not only does it cost less to process transactions but the checkouts are fast. And the top reason, no bank to tell you No.
No your business can't work. No your plan for selling this is a waste of time. No because your credit is poor. No. No. no.

Seeding Small Business is a non-profit which fighting against the Corporate and Political state of America with Love for the dream of Freedom and Bitcoins.
 If there was a way to reach people without a central bank breathing down your neck. If there was a fight against tyranny that didn't include firing weapons. If there was a way to stand apart from the government and demand love without rioting wouldn't Love fight back?
So here, now, with you, and with each other we can stand against Corporate greed, bailouts that hurt the economy, and a government that hides behind fear propaganda.
Donate to Seeding Small Business and keep the dream of Freedom alive!